So after having done the review of the clone-a-willy which I loved doing and even loved reviewing! I reached out to Clone-A-Willy and I got the Clone-A-Pussy for review!
I will say that they are a great company to work with and if you order with them you will get your item quite promptly. I feel like I got it almost overnight from when I spoke to them! So that is a good thing. The packaging that it came in was discrete, and shoot even the box for the item itself is pretty classy. Besides the name no one would really question it if they were to see this laying around!
The instructions were simply put on the back of the box and quite easy to follow.
This product did not come with a thermometer like the clone-a-willy. So I didn't feel the added pressure to make it the perfect temperature!
The inside of the box once opened also had instructions written in it, a little more detailed.
I think this one did have the exact temperature written, but I decided to go with the simple instructions that said warm water!!!
-Jar of colored silicone
-Jar of clear silicone
-Algae molding power
-Stirring stick
-Black tray
-hot water
-measuring cup
-disposable mixing bowel/container/cup
- Basically to make it all you need to do is grab your glass measuring cup and heat the water in your sink to a nice hot temperature.
- Get your pants and panties off, and shave if you want to. If you don't want to shave but you are worried about hair sticking I read to put a little bit of Vaseline on your hair!
(((I filled up my cup and opened the bag and then realized shoot I better shave. So I did that then re-filled the cup with hot water. You do NOT want to think of that after you already mix your mix or it will harden and you will have wasted it and would need to order more molding powder.)))
- Fill the cup to the 2/3 line and pour in the molding powder. Stir it up quickly the best you can and then pour it into the black molding tray.
- After that you are going to press your vagina into the mixture, make sure to get it all in there the best you can. Molding mix is going to over flow out of the tray a bit so make sure to do this over some card board or in the bathtub where you can easily clean it up!
- Hold the tray in place for as long as needed, you will feel it hardening and the wetness going away and there is almost a feeling of it detaching from you. At that point I still stood there a little bit longer, kind of poked it with a finger. It felt solid so then I pulled it away from my vulva.
- You shouldn't really have anything stuck to you, maybe a little bit. I had a clump of the hardened mix in my butt crack. No matter you should probably rinse off.
- I let the mold sit for like 20 min, then I got my disposable container for mixing the silicone!
- Use your wooden stick to scrape all of the contents of both jars out into your container/cup/bowl and then mix them together!
- Then pour mixture into your mold.
- Let it sit over night to harden. It says 24 hours. Mine was done sooner then that. But wait the 24 hours just to be sure!

I had a hard time getting all my silicone mix where I wanted it at, and it also kept over flowing off the sides of the tray.
So I got plastic that accually came off the packaging and cut it and built little walls all around it, to keep all the silicone inside the tray! So that way I could get as much of it as I could covered. Since my vagina is basic, and doesn't have much going on. The high bit that wasn't getting covered was sort of the only thing worth seeing, since that is where my clit is and all that!
So I was kind of disappointed in myself that I didn't press myself into the mold deeper, so that I wouldn't have this problem...but how was I to know!!!
Also I would have spread my lips a bit to get more of the inner labia going on's! So that my mold would have more to it then just fleshy mounds!
Here is my finished product, it didn't come out as good as I would have liked. But I would definitely like to do it again now knowing what I know the next one would come out perfect!!!
I definitely recommend all the clone-a products!! They are fun and sexy and make cute novelty presents for your partner especially if you are long distance! They also are something kind of fun to do together!!!!
You can also find them at Spencer's Gifts, Amazon, and probably your local sex shop or favorite online sex shop!
They come in flesh tone, chocolate, pink
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